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Repository: rules-of-origin-builder-xi

Downloads RoOs



Implementation steps

Create and activate a virtual environment, e.g.

  • python -m venv venv/
  • source venv/bin/activate
  • Install necessary Python modules via pip install -r requirements.txt

Environment variable settings


  • DATABASE_UK=postgres connection string
  • SAVE_TO_DB=[0|1]
  • OVERWRITE_DB=[0|1]

Templates for accessing the raw data

  • url_template=path to JSON for template - modern
  • url_template_classic=path to JSON for template - legacy / classic


  • commodity_code_folder=folder for commodity codes
  • EXPORT_PATH=string
  • EXPORT_PATH_UK=string
  • EXPORT_PATH_XI=string


  • MIN_CODE=Replace this with a valid 10-digit commodity code to restart processing from a specific code
  • MAX_CODE=Replace this with a valid 10-digit commodity code to stop processing at a specific code
  • SPECIFIC_COUNTRY=Overrides the country list to pull data from a specific country only
  • SPECIFIC_CODE=“Overrides the commodity list to pull data for a single commodity only


The countries.json configuration file

  • This file contains a list of all of the countries for which we are scraping data

  • Each country item is structured as follows:

    { "code": "AF", "prefix": "gsp", "omit": 0, "source": "classic" }


    • code is the 2-digit ISO country code to that is used as an input into the scrape function
    • prefix is the code against which the data is registered in the local database
    • omit (0 | 1) which determines if the country is to be ‘skipped’ or not
    • source indicates the following, dependent on the value:
      • if ‘classic’, then the RoO are structured using the old fashioned Trade Helpdesk structures
      • if ‘product’, then using the new MADB / ROSA product-specific rules (PSR)

    • At the time of writing, GSP, Turkey and Kenya used the old style

To scrape source:


  • This will download the RoO from the source
  • Saves as complete JSON documents locally
  • Use process_roo to process them: no processing done in this step (just downloading)

To process the JSONs:

python – These are the more modern structured RoO documents


python – These are the more old-structured RoO documents (like kenya, turkey)

  • This takes the downloaded RoO JSON source files and converts them into the necessary data objects + stores in local Postgres database

To export to new JSON:


  • This runs through the Postgres database and creates a JSON file that can be used in the OTT prototype

What does

For Classic Rules of origin (e.g. GSP)

This is all a lot harder than the work on Word documents, as it does not allow you to change the originals

  1. Having downloaded all of the JSONs for each chapter in a previous step …
  2. Create a new ClassicRoo object against each
  3. Main cleansing rules are stored in classic_roo > cleanse_rules
  4. Main code to form relevant data are stored in classic_roo > deconstruct_rules_html
  5. deconstruct_rules_html creates a ClassicRooRow object for every table row in the MADB html
  6. ClassicRooRow is where the actual formation of destination data is completed
    1. It creates a series of ClassicRooCell objects under the self.cells object