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Repository: trade-tariff-cloudwatch-synthetics-canaries

AWS CloudWatch Synthetics Canaries.



AWS CloudWatch Synthetics Canaries for the Online Trade Tariff (OTT).


  • node (Canaries run under node 18.x, the LTS)
  • yarn (this repository uses modern yarn, ‘berry’).

Making changes

  • To add more synthetics, create new JavaScript canaries. You can follow the example in index.js, or follow the AWS documentation.

  • Terraform changes will be required, to add the new canary.

  • Install and run the pre-commit hooks when making changes. These keep the Terraform documentation up to date, prevent linting errors, and ensure your changes conform to the repository standards.

  • Open a Pull Request with your changes. This will deploy the feature over the development environment to proof that terraform apply runs without failure.

  • Merges into main will deploy the changes into the staging environment, with a manual approval step required for production.


MIT License