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Last updated: 6 Oct 2023

trade-tariff-backend: Adding an exchange rates country currency concept

Date: 6 Oct 2023 Status: Accepted Present: William Fish, Alessandro De Simone, Sam Johnson, Ata Dari, Chris Booth


We've built an exchange rate service which fetches rates from an api and stores them in the exchange rate currency rates table.

To work out:

  1. What currencies to import
  2. What countries have what currencies at a given time

We have a currency and country table which associates exchange rates to currencies via the currency_code key.

We need to support an exchange rate of any type having a country description, currency description and currency/country association at a given point in time.

This is because:

  1. Countries can change names over time
  2. Countries can change currencies over time
  3. Countries can have multiple currencies
  4. Countries can split/merge into separate/larger countries


We've decided to add an exchange_rate_countries_currencies table which will support our ability to work out the associated names and currencies of a given country over time.

This means that multiple exchange rate country currencies can apply to the given exchange rates window and we will take the most recent country description for a given exchange rate currency code and exchange rate country code.


This is a more complex implementation and results in quite a bit more edge cases to consider.

For example:

  • There's a burden to maintain country descriptions/currency descriptions and currency/country associations.
  • We need to a lot more tests that need to be written to cover the complexity.