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Last updated: 19 Apr 2024

trade-tariff-backend: Goods Nomenclature Nested Set

Tariff Data

The Tariff data we receive from CDS or Taric contains an ordered list of all Goods Nomenclatures. The order is determined by the concatenation of their goods_nomenclature_item_id and their producline_suffix. Commodities position within the logical hierarchy is determined by any given commodities indentation. This data is held in a second table called goods_nomenclatures_indents - these indicate the depth of nesting of the Goods Nomenclatures they belong to, eg

0100000000-80 # Indent 0
- 0101000000-80 # Indent 0
- - 0101010000-10 # Indent 1
- - - 0101010000-80 # Indent 2, note: item_id matches parent but suffix is higher
- - - 0101010001-80 # Indent 2
- - 0101010100-80 # Indent 1

A classic Nested Set model

The Nested Set model page on wikipedia explains this well.

A Nested Set assumes an ordered identifier for records within the hierarchical database table.

Those records hold left + right (or start + end) values defining a range exclusively containing the identifiers of descendent records within the hierarchy.

Depth within the hierarchy must be dynamically computed by determining ancestors for a record. Ancestors are any other records whose own range fully encompasses the range (left + right) of the target record.

Reading the data

The Tariff data's hierarchy can be thought of as a modified form of that Nested Set model.

  • The data is an ordered list of identifiers (item_id + suffix)
  • The 'start of range' value (or 'left') is defined as a records identifier + 1
  • We do not need to compute depth, that is provided by the indents table
  • The 'end of range' value is 1 less then the lowest identifier which has the same depth as the origin record, and which is greater than the records own identifier.

Descendants and Ancestors can be fetched non-recursively by implementing the above rules.

Tree Nodes materialized view

To facilitate fast retrieval of data, a goods_nomenclature_tree_nodes materialized view is added as a facade in front of the existing indents table. This provides an indexable ordered identifier (called position) for all goods nomenclatures which can be used for efficient JOIN-ing.

There are 3 key changes in this tree_nodes view relative to the goods_nomenclature_indents db view sitting behind it.

  1. Added a position column - this is a string concatenation of the 10 digit goods_nomenclature_item_id and the 2 digit producline_suffix - then cast to an integer. The rationale behind this is -;
    1. it provides an ordered identifier, that follows the correct sequence of the dataset.
    2. it does not need to preserve the original information, it just needs to maintain the same order
    3. it is a single field allowing for easy use of MAX/MIN sql operators
    4. it is an integer for index performance - in initial prototyping this was a string because the source fields are strings but it was found queries were 4x faster when cast to an integer. Using a decimal instead (ie 1010101010.80) was found to be slower then using integers but faster than strings.
  2. Added a depth column - this is number_indents + 2 for all Headings and their descendents.
    1. Chapters are the exception to this, they have a position of number_indents + 1, ie 1.
    2. This makes the field an absolute definition of the depth, unlike the number_indents field which is 0 for both Chapters and Headings despite them being at different conceptual depths in the hierarchy
    3. At present depth == 0 is a single conceptual root of the hierarchy encompassing all Chapters and all of their descendants
  3. Populated validity_end_date in tree_nodes - this is never populated in the indents table
    1. the missing end date means that we need to join the indents table on to itself to fetch only the most recent indent
    2. this JOIN is instead done during the generation of the tree_nodes view to both simplify querying the tree_nodes data and to avoid repeatedly doing the JOIN during hierarchy lookups

Note: The position identifier is not unique because there may be multiple tree_nodes records for a goods nomenclature, all with the same position but different validity dates. A unique identifier would be either the triple of the identifier and dates, ie position + validity_start_date + validity_end_date or the goods_nomenclature_indent_sid which refers to a tree_nodes record for a given point in time.


The primary index used for hierarchy lookups is depth + position.

  • Using depth as the first index key allows for efficient segmenting of the dataset and aligns with most lookups trying to min/max records at a specific depth. * position is the second index key to allow finding the min/max after the subset of records at the expected depth is selected

validity_start_date and validity_end_date are not in the index because once the Postgres has filtered by depth and position, there are not many records to walk through so there is not much performance benefit. There would be a memory cost though, because every entry in the index would also require 2 dates that will be much larger then the int + bigint for depth + position

There are also 2 other indexes

  • goods_nomenclature_sid - this allows for efficient JOINs to the goods_nomenclatures table
  • oid (unique) - this is the oid from the indents table. Refreshing a materialized view concurrently (ie without blocking reads from the view) requires the materialized view to have a unique index.

Querying in SQL

Note: origin record references the tree_nodes record you are fetching relatives for, eg ancestors of origin, or children of origin


These can be queried by fetching the maximium position at every depth, where -;

  • depth is less than the depth of the origin tree_node record
  • and the position is less than the position of the origin record

Next sibling

The tree_nodes record with

  • same depth as the origin record
  • the lowest position that is still greater than the origin records position

Previous sibling

Note: Due to how we read the tree this is less useful then next sibling

The tree_nodes record with

  • same depth as the origin record
  • and has the highest position that is still less than the origin records position


This is every tree_nodes record where -;

  • the child nodes depth is exactly 1 greater than the depth of the origin record
  • and the child nodes position is greater than the position of the origin tree_nodes record
  • and the child nodes position is less than the position of next sibling of the origin record


This is every tree_nodes record where -;

  • the child nodes depth is greater than the depth of the origin record
  • and the child nodes position is greater than the position of the origin tree_nodes record
  • and the child nodes position is less than the position of next sibling of the origin record

Goods Nomenclatures

The above describes how tree_nodes can be related to each other. To find relatives on goods_nomenclatures records you can JOIN to tree_nodes via goods_nomenclature_sid, JOIN the tree_nodes to themselves via position and depth, then in turn back onto goods_nomenclatures via the relatives goods_nomenclature_sid.

+----+    +----------+    +-----------+    +---------+
| GN | -> |  Origin  | -> | Related   | -> | Related |
+----+    | TreeNode |    | TreeNodes |    |   GNs   |
          +----------+    +-----------+    +---------+

Querying in Ruby

There are abstractions for all for the above encapsulated in the Sequel relationships on the GoodsNomenclatures model

Note: These are all eager loadable

Tree relationships

  • parent - returns the parent
  • ancestors - returns a list of ancestors - starting at root of tree
  • children - all immediate children
  • descendants - all descendants of a goods nomenclature, at any depth


GoodsNomenclature records loaded for one relationship are often relevant to others, so where possible the fetching a relationship will also populate related relationships on the data model. Eg, fetching #ancestors will also populate the #parent relationship since that is the closest of the ancestors.

  • ancestors also populates parent on self and all ancestors
  • descendants also populates
    • parent for all descendants
    • children for self plus all descendants
    • ancestors for all descendants if self already has ancestors loaded

The above means you can get a nice recursive tree of children, so in the following example the first line will generate 2 queries and the second line will generate 0 queries.

chapter = Chapter.actual.by_code('01').eager(:descendants).take

And if you eager load #ancestors before #descendants then that too will be populated, so the following example triggers 3 queries for line 1, and 0 for line 2 or any subsequent movement around the eager loaded hierarchy.

chapter = Chapter.actual.by_code('01').eager(ancestors, :descendants).take

Useful methods

  • #leaf? - tells you whether a Goods Nomenclature is branch or leaf (ie, no children). This benefits from eager loading (children) and the Populators (see above)
  • #declarable? - replacement for #declarable but eager loadable, internally relies upon #leaf?
  • #number_indents - if data is loaded via the nested set relationships then this is populated automatically without needing to eager load goods_nomenclature_indents
  • #depth - internal reference for the depth of a goods nomenclature, normally number_indents + 2 except for chapters which are number_indents + 1
  • #goods_nomenclature_class - this now utilises leaf? internally so benefits from eager loading #children or #descendants the same
  • .declarable - Dataset method to filter by only declarable goods nomenclatures - this does do a left join to check for child_nodes but it skips any rows which have children so shouldn't impact results
  • .with_leaf_column - Dataset method which includes a virtual leaf column showing whether an record has any children. This can be utilised by declarable? to determining declarability without requiring additional queries. Carries a performance cost but can provide leaf for 24k commodities in ~0.5 seconds


There are two new eager loadable measures relationships

  • measures - all measures directly on a goods nomenclature
  • overview_measures - the overview measures directly on a goods nomenclature

These are different from the existing #measures and #overview_measures because they only load measures directly referencing the goods nomenclature.

#measures and #overview_measures would also include the measures against the goods nomenclatures ancestors. This was changed because it allows for eager loading and avoids repeat loads of the same measures for all descendants of the goods nomenclature they apply to.

There are two model methods which replicate the old behaviour -;

  • #applicable_measures - concatenation of measures against both self and ancestors
  • #applicable_overview_measures - concatenation of overview measures against both self and ancestors

Eager loading measures

The measures will need eager loading for both self and ancestors, eg

       .eager(:measures, ancestors: :measures)

This makes it possible to eager load measures for all descendants as well -;

              ancestors: :measures,
              descendants: :measures)

If you need to eager load relationships below measures, you'll need to duplicate parts of the eager load block with variables/constants, eg

 measures: [:measure_type,
                 { measure_conditions: :measure_condition_code }]
              ancestors: MEASURE_EAGER,
              descendants: MEASURE_EAGER)

Some examples

  • HeadingsService::PrecacheService.rb
  • HeadingsService::Serialization::NsNondeclarableService
  • Api::V2::ChaptersController